Painting by Rachael Grayce depicting the impact to Indigenous lives post contact with settlers. 

About Us

Rachael created Luxe Beauty Company with a vision to empower individuals to form communities, collaborate to grow businesses together, and show the world that beauty products can be clean & sustainable. 

We are founded in the 7 Grandfather teachings of the  Anishinaabe people, and our heart is about giving. 

The Teachings are for anyone to honor and live by. Despite where the teachings originated, they share the same concepts of abiding by moral respect for all living things. At Luxe Beauty Company, the 7 Grandfather teachings are what the foundation of our company is built on. 

hiyhiy. Made with love + gratitude on Traditional Treaty 7 lands.

  • Zoongide’ewin: Bravery
to live with a solid, strong heart. 

    Bravery is represented by the bear.  The mother bear has the courage and strength to face her fears and challenges while protecting her young. To face life with courage is bravery.

  • Debwewin: Truth
to speak only to the extent that we have lived or experienced it.

    Truth is represented by the turtle as the turtle was here during the creation of Earth and carries the teachings of life on his back. 

  • Dabasendiziwin: Humility
to think lower of oneself in relation to all that sustains us. 

    Humility is represented by the wolf. The wolf lives for his pack and the ultimate shame is to be an outcast.  

  • Manaaji’idiwin: Respect
to go easy on one another and all of Creation. 

    Respect is represented by the buffalo. The buffalo gives every part of his being to sustain the human way of living. The buffalo respects the balance and needs of others. 

  • Zaagi’idiwin:
Unconditional Love between one another including all of Creation, humans and non-humans. 

    The eagle represents love because he has the strength to carry all of the teachings.

  • Gwayakwaadiziwin: Honesty
to live correctly and with virtue.

    Honesty is represented by either the raven or the sabe. They both understand who they are and how to walk in their life.

  • Nibwaakaawin: Wisdom
to live with vision. 

    The beaver represents wisdom because he uses his natural gift by altering the environment for his family’s survival.

Land Acknowledgement

To acknowledge the traditional territories is to recognize the long history, reaching beyond colonization and the establishment of european colonies. The significance for the Indigenous peoples who lived and continue to live upon these territories, are the practices and spiritualities that are tied to the land and continue to develop in relationship to the land and its other inhabitants today.

With the deepest respect, we acknowledge the original keepers of this land that we know and call Treaty 7 Territory, which includes the Blackfoot Confederacy First Nations the Kainai, Siksika and Piikani. The Stoney Nakoda First Nations, which includes the Bearspaw, Chiniki and Goodstoney, the Dene First Nation of Tsuut’ina and the Metis Nation of Alberta. We vow to continue honouring and respecting the Indigenous Peoples Traditional ways of life, and will carry on this sacred relationship with the land so that generations to come can use and live off the land as their ancestors did. We honour and respect this space, the water, the animals, and all the spirit beings who have been here since time immemorial.